Your Starsign


March 21 - April 20

Today's Horoscope for Friday May 17th

The Weekly Outlook from 13th May

Your Monthly Horoscope for May

and Next Month's Horoscope for June

Year Ahead 2023

Bouncing into 2023 in high spirits with lucky Jupiter in your own sign willing you on with confidence, enthusiasm and new opportunities, you won't be holding back. In a go-to mood you'll know this is your year for making significant decisions about changing key areas of your life. The Eclipses will challenge you to take a different approach to your life's ambitions as well as your close relationships. It won't be a time for impulsive decisions so considering all your options carefully before coming to a sensible judgement will be wise. For many years you have been searching for a stronger sense of meaning and purpose in what you do and this is the point where you revise your outlook and plans for what comes next. Gradually you'll mix with influential people or be keen to involve yourself with likeminded friends to make a difference. Your finances will improve noticeably from May onwards with more flowing in and probably out again as your spending increases. If you can save a little of your good fortune for a rainy day ahead it'll give you security. Tackling practical tasks won't be easy with Saturn moving through Pisces the sign before yours. But needs must that loose ends from the past are tied up and you bring to completion what has been started in past years. Once you tie a ribbon on unfinished business you'll be free to move on.